Timeline Tool For Team Productivity & Client Satisfaction Enter remainder of title after image

Plan, manage, present & report projects of every size

Why Mindiply is different

Respond quickly to unforeseen changes
Collaborate & update your stakeholders instantly
Deliver within scope & budget restrictions
Gain insights and show progress seamlessly
A graphical project timeline with two phases and a few activities under them

Communicate clearly with your clients

A simpler alternative to a Gantt chart that non-PMs can understand.

A screenshot showing people assigned to an activity of a project timeline

Collaborate with every stakeholder

Invite your team members to collaborate with you in real time.

A panel with metrics related to the project: total progress and tasks burndown chart

Create dynamic reports with progress stats

Customize your timeline and reports to fit what you want to communicate at every stage of the project.

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What's behind

An illustration of office work with eccentric elements

Timeline charts and mental timelines

Timelines are so effective because they mimic our natural way of representing numbers and quantities.

Want to see Mindiply timeline in action? Take a free demo today

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