Reference cards

When to use
A decision matrix puts numbers on every aspect of your decision to help you make a balanced decision. It’s a good way to make sure you’ve considered all the important aspects of each option.
- Use the template below to write down:
- What decision you want to make
- All the options you’re considering and
- All the criteria that are important to the decision
- Then rank each criteria with how important it is on a scale of 1 (important) to 3 (very important).
- Then rank how much each options meets the criteria, from 0 (not at all) to 3 (very much).
- Then multiply the rank with the amount each option met the criteria.
- Finally add up the score for each option. The option with the highest score meets your decision criteria most fully.

You’re thinking about moving offices. You’re in a co-working space at the moment and you’re company has grown a bit too large. Should you move or stay, and if you move, where?

So, according to your selection criteria, ‘become a distributed company' is the best alternative.